Thursday 5 January 2012

Camp Eagle
Camp Eagle was held on 19th November 2011 and was organised by S.I.T. Club
and Adventure Education. Here are the photos to summarised the activities and games
we had during the day camp.
Let us walk down the memory lane with all the pictures taken on that day itself.
Here we go! :D


First game!
First off, our EXCO members demonstrate one of the ice-breakers games.
Playing ice-breaker games to get to know one another better.
Camp Eagle participants attempt to untangle themselves via a 4-way hula hoops!
And the amazing race has started!!
Cooperation in a team is important after all.

Everyone needs to work well with each other and focus so as to not drop the ball.

Never give up!
And... successful!

Last station for our amazing race!

Time to brainstorm of what is leadership about.

Time for presentation of "what is Leadership" to our participants.

A game that requires some calculation..

Last game of the day - "Water bombs"!!

Everyone is wet!
A group photo with all participants of Camp Eagle, the EXCO team and Adventure Education instructors! :)

The EXCO team with Adventure Edcuation instructors. :)

posts about links

About S.I.T. Club

School Of Information Technology Club (S.I.T. Club) is one of the most happening clubs in NYP!

S.I.T. Club EXCOs will organize various interesting events to engage students studying in NYP.

Events such as Freshmen Orientation and Open House are some of the events organised by S.I.T. Club.